Online publication


Besides printing a beautiful dissertation, we can also provide an E-book. The E-book is an interactive publication of the pdf, a so-called flipbook. This E-book includes features such as text search, zoom, etc. and can be read on any computer, tablet or smartphone. It can be shared and downloaded. We can also create a QR code that links to your E-book. You can then use this QR code to put on a separate invitation or summary that refers to the full thesis.

QR Code

A QR code is often used to provide easy access to a file. Typing a long URL is complicated and error-prone. The QR code is an easy solution. The user scans the QR code with his phone or tablet, to go directly to the linked URL. In this case, your thesis. The QR code is a perfect addition to your summary or the invitation to your graduation celebrations!

The costs for creating a QR code are €25,-

PDF for the University library

In order to digitally store your thesis in the archive of the University library, we can provide you with a PDF that meets the conditions of the University. We will merge the inside and the cover of your thesis into a so called Library-PDF. You can than send this PDF to the University. The only thing you have to do is to let us know that you would also like to receive such a PDF, separate from the printed thesis itself. It’s that easy.

The costs for creating an E-book, a PDF for the Library and/or the QR code are only €50,-.